Partner Universities

University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd
The university of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd is a dynamic university with a broad range of courses, comprehensive research in many scientific projects with dissertations and post graduate work, as well as international networking in research and teaching. The department of Social Pedagogy and Early Childhood Education is responsible for the project RECOdE and has different collaborations with international and European universities within its study programs. The international student exchange program focuses on ‘Cultures of Learning and Teaching’. The research areas of the department are related to quality, professionalization, didactics, history and diversity, inclusion and heterogeneity in the field of Early Childhood Education and Children and Youth Services. Since 2017, the department is connected to the research network Cultures of Early Childhood Education and Care (CECEC).
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Dublin City University
The Early Childhood Research Centre (ECRC) is an international research centre at the Institute of Education, Dublin City University, led by Professor Mathias Urban, Desmond Chair of Early Childhood Education. The Centre and its research team build on a long tradition of critical inquiry in the field. Its members investigate policies and politics, pedagogies and practices in early childhood locally and internationally from a critical perspective that is informed by a shared interest in the transformative potential of collaborative research. ECRC has close connections to international networks including DECET (Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training), ISSA (International Step-by-Step Association), IFS (International Froebel Society), PILIS (Primera Infancia, Lenguajes e Inclusión Social) and RECE (Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education), and Cultures of Early Childhood Education and Care (CECEC).
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