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Multiplier event Schwäbisch Gmünd 2024

On 8 November 2024, a multiplier event took place at the Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Education on the topic of ‘Growing up in the migration society. Challenges and opportunities for childhood education training and practice’. The aim of this symposium was to present the results of the EU-funded RECOdE-project (Reflecting Cultures of Education – Transnationality and Cultural Awareness in Early Childhood Education Programs) on educational equity.

The issue of educational equality in the migration society affects children under the age of 6 and their families as a particularly vulnerable group.  They often experience structural disadvantages in terms of participation in education and support in daycare centres. The reasons for this are manifold. They range from a shortage of skilled staff to a lack of language resources as well as cultural communication difficulties in the cooperation between parents and professionals. Against this backdrop, the development of culturally and inequality-sensitive practice as well as the qualification of specialists and the systematic further development of childhood education degree programmes are of particular importance.

The symposium started here and focussed on the questions of what a critical practice that is sensitive to culture and inequality means and how it can be developed with regard to the qualification of specialists at universities. The event was held in German.